B A T T L E C H E S S REFERENCE CARD "You may knock your opponent down with a chessboard, but that does not prove that you are the stronger player." - Old English proverb GETTING STARTED --------------- Battle Chess will run on Amiga models 500, 1000, and 2000. You need at least 512K to play. If your machine had only 512K, disconnect any external drives to free up memory. Before you begin, make a backup of your Battle Chess master disk. (Refer to your Amiga User's Manual for instructions on how to make backups.) Make sure you only play with your backup disk, never your master disk. Also be sure to write-protect your backup disk. YOUR BATTLE CHESS DISK MUST BE WRITE PROTECTED AT ALL TIMES. If you want to be able to save games in progress, format a blank disk, as explained in the Amiga User's Manual, and title the disk "ChessSaves". (There are no quotes or spaces in the name.) Only use this disk to save and load Battle Chess games in progress. For maximum video and audio quality, use an RGB color monitor and use both audio connectors when hooking up your sound equipment. Battle Chess is in stereo. LOADING INSTRUCTIONS -------------------- 1. Turn on your computer and monitor. Your mouse should be in port 1. 2. Insert your write-protected Battle Chess backup disk into the internal disk drive. If you have an Amiga 1000, first use a KickStart 1.2 disk, and insert your Battle Chess backup when the Workbench disk request screen appears. 3. When the Workbench screen appears, double-click on the disk icon, and then double-click on the Battle Chess icon to load the game. 4. The title screen will appear as the game loads. After several seconds, a window will come up, asking for a specific move from one of the twenty games listed in Appendix A of the Battle Chess manual. Find the proper game and type in the correct move, either Black's or White's, exactly as printed, and then press the Return key. For example, if prompted for Black's move #17 in Bird-Morphy, London 1858, you would type "RxBP!!" (without the quotes) and then press Return. The game will finish loading after you correctly type the move. BATTLE CHESS MENUS ------------------ Once the game has loaded, you can bring up the Battle Chess menus by pressing and holding the right mouse button. A banner will appear at the top of the screen with four menu titles: DISK, MOVE, SETTINGS, and LEVEL. Keep holding the right mouse button down as you move the mouse pointer over these options and the appropriate menus will appear. Move the pointer down to the option you desire and when the option high- lights, release your hold on the right mouse button. The four menus contain the following options: DISK: Load Game, Save Game, New Game, Set Up Board, Quit MOVE: Force Move, Take Back, Replay, Suggest Move SETTINGS: Sound On/Off, 3-D Board, 2-D Board, Human Plays Red, Amiga Plays Red, Modem Plays Red, Human Plays Blue, Amiga Plays Blue, Modem Plays Blue LEVEL: Novice, Level 1-9, Set Time MENU OPTIONS EXPLAINED ---------------------- LOAD GAME: If you've saved a game before, this option recalls the game and picks up where you left off. After selecting Load Game, Battle Chess will ask you to insert your ChessSaves disk. The Load window will then appear, displaying a list of you saved games. Select the game you wish to load by positioning your cursor over its name and double-clicking with the left mouse button. The game will be loaded with its saved settings. SAVE GAME: Pick this option if you want to save a game to disk while the game is in progress. After Battle Chess asks you to insert your ChessSaves disk, the Save window will appear. Click once inside the text box, type a name for the game you wish to save, and then press the Return key. The current board setup will be saved as well as the skill level and other menus' settings. NEW GAME: This option lets you start a new game at any time. If the game you're playing is looking too grim, you can give up on it and start over with this option. This is very useful if you can't stand the thought of losing to a computer chip. SET UP BOARD: This option lets you set up games for testing strategies or for playing classic chess problems. Set Up is performed on a 2- dimensional chess board with the chess pieces arranged vertically on each side of the board. Any of the 32 pieces can be selected and moved into any position by clicking on them with the mouse. From Set Up, you have three additional menu options: CLEAR BOARD: Removes all pieces from the board. RESTORE BOARD: While remaining in Set Up, this aborts any changes you've made. DONE: Returns you to normal playing mode so you can play the game you've set up. QUIT: You've had enough. Exit to Amiga Workbench. FORCE MOVE: If you get impatient while waiting for Battle Chess to make its move, you can force it to move with this option. This interrupts the Amiga's thought process and makes it take the best move that it has thought of so far. TAKE BACK: This option will take back the last move you made by either side. You can take back as many moves as you want, back to the first move made. REPLAY: Let's say you've just taken back a move, then decided it wasn't such a bad move at after all. Just select Replay to put the piece back where it was. SUGGEST MOVE: Want a hint for your next possible move? The Suggest Move option will give you that hint. Flashing highlights will appear on a square occupied by one of your pieces and the suggested destination square. LEVELS: Levels Novice through 9 are available. Novice is the easiest, and 9 the hardest. THINKING TIME PER LEVEL ----------------------- Level Max. Thinking Time Per Move Level Max. Thinking Time Per Move ----- --------------------------- ----- --------------------------- Novice Special 5 1 minute, 20 seconds 1 5 seconds 6 2 minutes, 40 seconds 2 10 seconds 7 5 minutes, 20 seconds 3 20 seconds 8 10 minutes, 40 seconds 4 40 seconds 9 21 minutes, 20 seconds The longer Battle Chess thinks, the more carefully planned its moves will be, and the better game it will play. Under the Novice level, Battle Chess only does one simplistic board evaluation. Remember, if it's taking too long, you can always override the thinking time by using the FORCE MOVE option. ENTER LEVEL: This lets you change Battle Chess' approximate maximum thinking time to any amount you want, from 1 minute to 10,000 minutes. A window will appear after you pick this option. Type a number measured in minutes and press the Return key, and Battle Chess will take, at most, that long to think per move. SHORTCUT KEYS ------------- If you don't want to use the menus with the mouse, certain shortcut keys are available in combination with the "open Amiga" key. They are as follows: ___ ___ |_A_| F Force Move |_A_| M Suggest Move ___ ___ |_A_| T Take Back |_A_| S Toggle Sound on/off ___ |_A_| R Replay MOVEMENT -------- To move one of your chess pieces , first move the mouse pointer to the square the piece stands on, and then click. Moving the pointer arround, you will note that legal move squares for that particular piece will be highlighted as you move the pointer over them. Select the desired legal destination square by clicking on it with the left mouse button. The piece will then walk over to the new position. CHECK ----- When your King is in check, the mouse pointer will change to a "check" icon to alert you. It will change back to the normal pointer when the King escapes check. PAWN PROMOTION -------------- When a pawn reaches the eighth rank, a window will appear in the center of the screen. This window contains four pieces; you can change the pawn into any of them. Choose the piece for promotion by clicking on it with the left mouse button. CASTLING -------- If it's legal to do so (as discussed in the manual), you may castle by moving your King two spaces to his destination square. The rook will know what to do on its own. PLAYING BATTLE CHESS BY MODEM ----------------------------- You can play Battle Chess against a far away opponent if each of you has a Hayes-compatible modem hooked up to your Amiga. If your modem is properly connected, as shown in your modem manual, there are 3 steps to start playing over the modem with Battle Chess. 1. Arrange with your opponent who will play Red and who will play Blue. After you've agreed, both of you should load Battle Chess and set your opponent's color with the "Modem Plays Blue" or "Modem Plays Red" menu option. Hang up the phone on both ends before continuing. When you set one player to Modem, you can send text to your modem by typing on the keyboard. When you type a key, a text window will pop up. You can type one line of text and send it to the modem by pressing the Return key. The window will disappear and the line of text will be sent. This is the way you control your modem in Battle Chess, using the modem's AT commands, and it is also the way you send messages to your opponent once you are connected. 2. One player must set his modem to auto-answer mode. You can do this by typing ATS0=1 and pressing the Return key. (That's a zero, not the letter "O".) 3. The other player must call the player whose modem is set to auto- answer. To dial a number, type ATD 555-1212, substituting the correct phone number, and press the Return key. You can use any phone number with the ATD command, including area codes. Your modem will pick up the phone and dial the number, and if all goes well, it'll then connect with the modem on the receiving end. If you get this far, you're set; you can start your chess game. When you move a piece, that move will happen on your opponent's end as well as yours. Note that after the two players are connected, the menu option NEW GAME, SET UP GAME, and LOAD GAME will send an entire new chess board on both sides, discarding the current game. You can send a message to your opponent at any time by just typing. Type one line and press Return, and a window will pop up on your opponent's screen with your message. After he or she dismisses the window, the game can continue. You can receive these messages at any time except when a window is open on your screen. If you type modem commands in this way, the modems will act on them. See your modem manual for details on AT commands. There are two steps to break the connection and hang up the phone. First type +++ (three plus signs), press Return, and wait a moment. This will get your modem's attention. Then type ATH to tell your modem to hang up. This will close the connection between the two players. Battle Chess communicates at 300 baud with 8 bits and no parity. PLAYING BATTLE CHESS WITH SERIAL CABLES --------------------------------------- If you and an opponent have two Amiga computers, you may play with one person at each Amiga. Hook up a null modem cable between the Amigas' serial ports. Then one person should pick "Modem Plays Red" and the other, "Modem Plays Blue". You can proceed to play as if you were connected by modem. The only difference is that you never need to type any dialing commands. INSTALLING BATTLE CHESS ON A HARD DRIVE --------------------------------------- You can install Battle Chess on a hard disk if the drive is set as DH0. If your hard disk is not DH0, set it to DH0 using the appropriate method for your hard disk. To install Battle Chess on a hard disk: 1. Boot up the computer and hard disk using the appropriate steps for the hard disk. Load the workbench if it does note come up automatically by typing "LOADWB". 2. Insert your write-protected Battle Chess backup disk. 3. Double-click on the Battle Chess disk icon and then double-click on the ChessToDH0 icon. 4. The program will install Battle Chess on your hard disk's root directory. Now you can run Battle Chess by double-clicking on the BattleChess icon in your hard disk's root directory. DOCS PROVIDED BY THE NEXT GENERATION OF WORLD OF WONDERS.